
Feedback provides clarity as users interact with Roommates. From errors in forms to success messages, feedback will keep the user informed and on track.

Flash Messages

Flash messages are generally used to provide informative or critical account-related messages. Sometimes they can be used for action-related messages. On Roommates, flash messages appear for 2 seconds before disappearing.

thumbsup Your Location Preferences have been saved! close

Inline Form Errors

Form errors appear inline to make it clear to the user which form fields need to be corrected.

First name can't be blank
Select one
Select at least one
Select one

Form Top Errors

Along with inline errors, forms that span more than a page have feedback provided at the top of the screen. This tells users there is an error to be addressed without any searching.

Ooops! Please fix errors before moving forward.

No Data

The blue no data box is shown throughout the site to indicate there is no information to be shown. The no data message is typically paired with a button that will indicate action the user can take.

There are no conversations in your Inbox

Find your matches and start a conversation!

Review my matches

Here the no data state is used to inform users how to view their messages.

Choose a message from the left to keep the conversation going.

Welcome to your messages! From here, you can send and receive messages without revealing your email address. You may divulge this and other personal information once you feel comfortable with your contact(s).